During the last quarter of 2020, the #food and #packaging value chains were analysed, and clusters’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were identified.
This information forms the basis of a 5-year common #partnership #strategy that aims to bring cluster services to a higher level aligning them with the market needs and trends.

This strategy foresees a set of new services including the #internationalpromotion of regional initiatives, a biannual #sustainabilitysummit, sensitisation and training events, the creation of an #InnovationWorkingGroup with whom identifying needs and trends to work with, business missions, and more.

But, beyond the 5-year plan, what is going on this year?
Safe Smart Food will be organising at least three more #ClusterXchange activities between March and September, creating an #InnovationItinerary identifying the musts and trends in food and packaging innovation next month, publishing a training #ebook for clusters and launching an international newsletter in June.
Find out more:

Clúster Foodservice Business Upper Austria Lithuanian food exporters association (LitMEA) European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) Packaging Cluster